Note: Rank reflects rank by scores only and does not reflect head-to-head tiebreakers.
Head-to-head tiebreakers do list the head-to-head winner first, but may not be accurate for 3-way ties.
RankDivision 2123456ScoreAverage
1 Hurricanes 96 97 97 98 97 98 583 97.16
2 Boston Armada 99 98 94 100 95 20 506 84.33
3 Mass Hysteria 99 100 95 12 15 97 418 69.66
4 Identity-Creed 96 96 18 56 6 99 371 61.83
5 LI Dark Riders 3 97 18 12 98 99 327 54.5
6 Section 8 12 9 97 96 12 97 323 53.83
7 New England Synergy 12 97 15 99 6 16 245 40.83
8 Dark Riders 12 9 96 9 9 99 234 39
9 Capital Punishment 9 12 94 3 99 9 226 37.66
10 Identity Fyre 96 0 9 0 3 3 111 18.5
11 HOSTILE 3 6 9 6 3 3 30 5
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