RaceTo-2 - Division 4


RankDivision 4123ScoreWinsPointsTimeAvg Time
1 Off Season PB 3:38 3:28 X 2 1 2 7:06 3:33
2 White Tigers Evolution L L X 0 0 0 0:00 0:00
RankDivision 4123ScoreWinsPointsTimeAvg Time
3 Puras Habas 3:04 L 3:44 2 1 2 6:48 3:24
4 Mariposas Salvajes L 3:06 L 0 0 1 3:06 3:06


RankDivision 4123ScoreWinsPointsTimeAvg Time
1 White Tigers Evolution 3:36 4:00 X 2 1 2 7:36 3:48
3 Puras Habas L L X 0 0 0 -1:00 0:00
RankDivision 4123ScoreWinsPointsTimeAvg Time
2 Off Season PB L 2:16 3:51 2 1 2 6:07 3:03
4 Mariposas Salvajes 3:17 L L 0 0 1 3:17 3:17


RankDivision 4123ScoreWinsPointsTimeAvg Time
1 Puras Habas L 2:15 2:01 2 1 2 4:16 2:08
4 Blackout Mayhem 3:55 L L 0 0 1 3:55 3:55
RankDivision 4123ScoreWinsPointsTimeAvg Time
2 Mariposas Salvajes 3:00 L T 2 1 1 3:00 3:00
3 TROYANOS PLANET ECLIPSE L 3:00 T 0 0 1 2:00 2:00


Note: Rank reflects rank by scores only and does not reflect head-to-head tiebreakers.
Head-to-head tiebreakers do list the head-to-head winner first, but may not be accurate for 3-way ties.
RankDivision 4 1234ScoreWinsPointsTimeAvg Time
1 Off Season PB Pt 1 3:02 L L 3:32 8 4 8 25:21 3:10
Pt 2L 3:03 3:33 3:50
Pt 33:12 2:22 2:47 X
Score 2-1 2-1 2-1 2-0
2 Puras Habas Pt 1 4:30 L 3:39 3:29 6 3 7 25:34 3:39
Pt 23:17 3:06 3:39 3:54
Pt 3X L X X
Score 2-0 1-2 2-0 2-0
3 White Tigers Evolution Pt 1 L 3:29 3:44 3:27 6 3 7 24:13 3:27
Pt 23:20 L 3:53 3:27
Pt 3L 2:52 X X
Score 1-2 2-1 2-0 2-0
4 TROYANOS PLANET ECLIPSE Pt 1 3:12 3:08 3:53 4:05 6 3 7 22:47 3:15
Pt 22:13 L 2:53 3:23
Pt 3X L X X
Score 2-0 1-2 2-0 2-0
5 Mariposas Salvajes Pt 1 3:33 L 3:30 3:23 6 3 6 17:27 2:54
Pt 23:19 L L 2:01
Pt 3X X 1:41 X
Score 2-0 0-2 2-1 2-0
6 Blackout Mayhem Pt 1 L 3:22 L 3:55 5 2 6 22:21 3:43
Pt 23:20 3:41 4:01 4:02
Pt 3T X L X
Score 1-1 2-0 1-2 2-0
7 TROYANOS BLACK Pt 1 3:20 3:11 L L 5 2 5 14:44 2:56
Pt 22:51 L L 2:02
Pt 3X T X 3:20
Score 2-0 1-1 0-2 2-1
8 MTY Rage Pt 1 3:46 3:17 4:02 L 4 2 5 18:50 3:46
Pt 23:46 L 3:59 L
Pt 3X L X X
Score 2-0 1-2 2-0 0-2
9 Zentinelas Pt 1 L L L L 4 2 4 12:52 3:13
Pt 23:36 L 3:22 L
Pt 32:24 X 3:30 X
Score 2-1 0-2 2-1 0-2
10 HABAS ENCHILADAS Pt 1 3:19 3:19 L L 3 1 3 9:57 3:19
Pt 2L 3:19 L L
Pt 3T X X X
Score 1-1 2-0 0-2 0-2
11 Mx Rush Pt 1 L 3:25 2:07 L 2 1 3 8:23 2:47
Pt 2L 2:51 L L
Pt 3X X L X
Score 0-2 2-0 1-2 0-2
12 DIABLOS GOLD Pt 1 L L 3:17 L 1 0 2 6:27 3:13
Pt 2L 3:10 L L
Pt 3X T L X
Score 0-2 1-1 1-2 0-2
13 Raptorīs PBT Pt 1 L L 3:15 L 0 0 1 3:15 3:15
Pt 2L L L L
Pt 3X X L X
Score 0-2 0-2 1-2 0-2
14 Recargados Pt 1 F F F F 0 0 0 0:00 0:00
Pt 2F F F F
Pt 3X X X X
Score 0-2 0-2 0-2 0-2
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