TPA Cup 5 man
8:45 Toxic Rage vs MooHoo Militia
8:50 Akron Legacy vs UTPC
8:55 ohio revive vs Boat and Hoes Worldwide
9:00 Intense vs Legion of Chaos
9:05 toxic vs courtesy flush
9:10 The University of Akron vs Echo Team
9:15 Eminence II vs TPA Contraband
9:20 Reaction vs UTPC
9:25 Legion of Chaos vs MooHoo Militia
9:30 The University of Akron vs ohio revive
9:35 Akron Legacy vs courtesy flush
9:40 Intense vs TPA Contraband
9:45 Echo Team vs Boat and Hoes Worldwide
9:50 toxic vs Reaction
9:55 Eminence II vs Toxic Rage
10:00 Intense vs MooHoo Militia
10:05 courtesy flush vs UTPC
10:10 The University of Akron vs Boat and Hoes Worldwide
10:15 TPA Contraband vs Toxic Rage
10:20 Akron Legacy vs Reaction
10:25 Echo Team vs ohio revive
10:30 Eminence II vs Legion of Chaos
10:35 toxic vs UTPC
10:40 TPA Contraband vs MooHoo Militia
10:45 The University of Akron vs Boat and Hoes Worldwide
10:50 Reaction vs courtesy flush
10:55 Legion of Chaos vs Toxic Rage
11:00 Echo Team vs ohio revive
11:05 toxic vs Akron Legacy
11:10 Eminence II vs Intense
11:15 Toxic Rage vs MooHoo Militia
11:20 Akron Legacy vs UTPC
11:25 ohio revive vs Boat and Hoes Worldwide
11:30 Intense vs Legion of Chaos
11:35 toxic vs courtesy flush
11:40 The University of Akron vs Echo Team
11:45 Eminence II vs TPA Contraband
11:50 Reaction vs UTPC
11:55 Legion of Chaos vs MooHoo Militia
12:00 The University of Akron vs ohio revive
12:05 Akron Legacy vs courtesy flush
12:10 Intense vs TPA Contraband
12:15 Echo Team vs Boat and Hoes Worldwide
12:20 toxic vs Reaction
12:25 Eminence II vs Toxic Rage
12:30 Intense vs MooHoo Militia
12:35 courtesy flush vs UTPC
12:40 The University of Akron vs Boat and Hoes Worldwide
12:45 TPA Contraband vs Toxic Rage
12:50 Akron Legacy vs Reaction
12:55 Echo Team vs ohio revive
1:00 Eminence II vs Legion of Chaos
1:05 toxic vs UTPC
1:10 TPA Contraband vs MooHoo Militia
1:15 The University of Akron vs Boat and Hoes Worldwide
1:20 Reaction vs courtesy flush
1:25 Legion of Chaos vs Toxic Rage
1:30 Echo Team vs ohio revive
1:35 toxic vs Akron Legacy
1:40 Eminence II vs Intense
1:45 Toxic Rage vs MooHoo Militia
1:50 Akron Legacy vs UTPC
1:55 ohio revive vs Boat and Hoes Worldwide
2:00 Intense vs Legion of Chaos
2:05 toxic vs courtesy flush
2:10 The University of Akron vs Echo Team
2:15 Eminence II vs TPA Contraband
2:20 Reaction vs UTPC
2:25 Legion of Chaos vs MooHoo Militia
2:30 The University of Akron vs ohio revive
2:35 Akron Legacy vs courtesy flush
2:40 Intense vs TPA Contraband
2:45 Echo Team vs Boat and Hoes Worldwide
2:50 toxic vs Reaction
2:55 Eminence II vs Toxic Rage
3:00 Intense vs MooHoo Militia
3:05 courtesy flush vs UTPC
3:10 The University of Akron vs Boat and Hoes Worldwide
3:15 TPA Contraband vs Toxic Rage
3:20 Akron Legacy vs Reaction
3:25 Echo Team vs ohio revive
3:30 Eminence II vs Legion of Chaos
3:35 toxic vs UTPC
3:40 TPA Contraband vs MooHoo Militia
3:45 The University of Akron vs Boat and Hoes Worldwide
3:50 Reaction vs courtesy flush
3:55 Legion of Chaos vs Toxic Rage
4:00 Echo Team vs ohio revive
4:05 toxic vs Akron Legacy
4:10 Eminence II vs Intense
7:30 Toxic Rage vs Legion of Chaos
7:32 Akron Legacy vs UTPC
7:34 Toxic Rage vs Legion of Chaos
7:36 Akron Legacy vs UTPC
7:38 Toxic Rage vs Legion of Chaos
7:40 Akron Legacy vs UTPC
8:30 toxic vs Toxic Rage
8:32 Eminence II vs UTPC
8:34 Echo Team vs ohio revive
8:36 toxic vs Toxic Rage
8:38 Eminence II vs UTPC
8:40 Echo Team vs ohio revive
8:42 toxic vs Toxic Rage
8:44 Eminence II vs UTPC
8:46 Echo Team vs ohio revive
10:00 5man-Finals-D5 Seed 3 vs 5man-Finals-D5 Seed 4
10:02 5man-Finals-D5 Seed 1 vs 5man-Finals-D5 Seed 2
10:04 The University of Akron vs 5man-Finals-D4 Seed 2
10:06 5man-Finals-D5 Seed 3 vs 5man-Finals-D5 Seed 4
10:08 5man-Finals-D5 Seed 1 vs 5man-Finals-D5 Seed 2
10:10 The University of Akron vs 5man-Finals-D4 Seed 2
10:12 5man-Finals-D5 Seed 3 vs 5man-Finals-D5 Seed 4
10:14 5man-Finals-D5 Seed 1 vs 5man-Finals-D5 Seed 2
10:16 The University of Akron vs 5man-Finals-D4 Seed 2
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